Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Shaking it off

Since Graham went off to college 6 weeks or so ago, Mary and I have been apart for about four of them, between her three trips to the Northeast and my one to the West Coast. We still don't know when Mary will come home to NC because I keep testing positive, though I am largely asymptomatic. Maybe today I'll get lucky (though I now see that the CDC wants two negative tests 48 hours apart before it liberates me 😞. It is getting hard to keep my motivation together properly. I'm not really used to being alone this long.

So Mary Lee passed away early in the evening the day before yesterday. I started to write a post about her today, but don't really want to force it. The right memories will bubble through in time. Though she was no more perfect than other humans, she certainly did a pretty remarkable job of maintaining equanimity through thick and thin, at least when I saw her. She was not fundamentally a needy person, much more of a giver in almost all regards, really perhaps to a fault. There are many worse faults to have. She will be dearly missed.

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