Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Recovery morning

Had to process a lot of aggression and unhappy people around some restructurings of long-term relationships yesterday. Some bitterness and anger. Brought up memories of my youth.

I was never really the fixer in our household when my parents' marriage fell apart, that was more Leslie, I think. I was basically off on my own planet, stoned, drunk, chasing girls, doing sports, studying, whatever. High school was more or less a campaign for me to write my own ticket to someplace else. When it looked like Duke might give me a full scholarship, I made sure it didn't by smoking weed on campus the weekend they interviewed all of us and by spilling an enormous soda during the interview meeting. Though that was an accident, it seemed at the time. But I got the hell out.

In my current situation things are more complicated, but then now I'm more of an adult. I'm a little more capable of mediating conflict, but ultimately it's not all on me. I just need to be professional and protect my clients and be working to figure out how to find the best environment to take care of them. 

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