Friday, June 03, 2022

Self promotion and the productive ethos

My friend Michael Galinsky publishes oodles of pictures on Facebook all the time, often narrated with detailed remembrances of what the pictures mean to him. It is all direct and from the heart. There's a lot of it, but I try to read it when I can because he's a brilliant guy, has done and seen a lot, and it all hangs together. He also makes movies (like, real ones. And gets paid money by places like ESPN to make them) and is in a solid band and publishes books of his work... for all I know he also is a sculptor. More than anyone I know, Michael has generalized the punk rock ethos of just keeping on producing, rolling forward and sharing his work with the world. He is a shameless self-promoter, but why indeed should there ever be any shame in self-promotion? Somebody's gotta do it, and if it ain't you most often you have to pay someone actual money to do it.* And much of what he produces is "quite good", in the sense that it resonates with me and plenty of others and/or is pleasing or evocative to the eye and/or ear.

The last time we had lunch Michael encouraged me to push my blog out more consistently. He's probably right. All too often the blog is just a tree falling perhaps not even in a forest, but on the more or less barren plains of the blogosphere, mostly devoid of flora and fauna due to the massive clear-cutting of the social media platforms.

And yet I soldier on over here like those Japanese guys on the islands in the Pacific, fighting the last war.

*Upon reflection I have to say that the issue is balancing the allocation of scarce internal resources to distribution vs. production. I.e. if all I have is 24/7 and I'm spending a lot of time and energy on distribution, it cuts into time for production. Following this line of thought out would require a whole nuther post. Or a book.

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