Friday, June 24, 2022

A late night for Graham

After dinner yesterday Graham said he and Jake were going to get together. Jake lives nearby, up and over the hill, and has a habit of walking down to the lake pretty often, so they were gonna sit in the pavilion down by the lake, as they often did last summer when Graham and/or Ben had a shift.

I myself had been sitting all day, so I went out for a walk, first checking out the dam, then going up and over Ridgecrest (where I saw Brian Galligan's car in his driveway -- probably his wife, I think he's out shooting a film somewhere) and back up Markham. When I got back, Jake was up at the end of our driveway. Turns out, he and Graham had decided to go uptown to check out The Gathering Place, a new game-focused bar/cafe upstairs in the building where Trolls used to be. Which is awesome.

But come bedtime, Graham was still not home, which was a little odd for us. This was the first time that Graham had ever stayed out later than 11 or perhaps even 10 for something non-extracurricular related. Except for the special school-sponsored party after the night he graduated. Natalie was also not much of a partier. Lying in bed, Mary and I realized how tremendously spoiled we had been all of those years of child-raising, especially compared to what our parents had had to experience when we were growing up and were out engaged in all manner of self-destructive and dangerous mischief, at best.

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