Monday, June 13, 2022

Flying west

Up and out the door on the early side to go to Breckenridge to see Leslie and family. It will be great. We've seen Leslie since the pandemic started, but not Daniel, Caroline or Walter. Caroline just graduated from Carleton and is trying to figure out what's next. Daniel's working up in Portland, Maine, not yet in his dream job as he sorts through his own path forward.

I hadn't really read up on Breckenridge till yesterday. At 9600 feet up, the weather is a little different. Tomorrow, for example, there's a high of 62 and an overnight low of 42. I also discovered that there is at least one pretty decent-looking used book store, which is good because I don't have a very clear go to mystery novel for this trip. I tried to talk Natalie into going to Circle City Books in Pittsboro last week but for some reason she doesn't think much of the place.

Just before waking up a little before 6 this morning, I had an anxiety dream about being in negotiations with the Moylan brothers about some kind of business dealing. The odd thing was that the negotiations themselves weren't really stressful, but in the back of my mind I knew it was about heading out on the road when the markets are freaking out about interest rate policy, inflation, etc. I got a stressed out email at the end of the day Friday from a surprising client, a guy who had been all bullish back in the spring or 2020 as COVID was peaking. I think it's likely because he's a closet Republican (I think). I think people tend to exaggerate threats when the other party is in power. And I'm not just saying it's something they do, it's us too.

Ok. Enough of this. Time to take off

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