Thursday, July 15, 2021

A fatal pivot

By now, watching the numbers daily, it's clear that the spread of the Delta variant is accelerating to crisis levels and that the prudent thing to do is to dial back in-person indoors interactions, mask up in public settings and generally reimplement best practices we learned in the first year of the pandemic. It's already clear that lots of people are going to die unnecessarily.

But can and will the American public pivot at this point in time? How are Fox and OANN reporting on this? Can we get more of the vaccine hesitant and vaccine skeptic to go in and get their shots?

It's not at all clear. My office mate David said he heard Richard Petty doing a pro-vaccine PSA on sports radio the other day. Let's hope that his exhortations and those of others do not fall on deaf or even dead ears.

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