Monday, January 04, 2021

On with it

Getting in gear for the week over here, not without effort. I really haven't had enough vacation over the last couple of years, plus this whole coronavirus thing, plus as I run around my neighborhood I see all too many Christmas trees out by the street, and I know what that means for ours all too soon. We may have to sacrifice it. I won't even start on Trump and the circus in Congress coming up this week.

Still, it's hard not to be cheered by a few things. The days are getting a little longer, and while Spring is decidedly not "just around the corner," it's not all that far beyond the corner right beyond that one, at least here in the South. If all goes well, I should be out on the tennis court this afternoon after a hiatus since (gasp!) last Tuesday, which is about as long as I've gone in months. This after an abysmal week of heavy rain which has made our little nook of the world look like a sad amalgam of Louisiana and Ireland/

I also made some progress this weekend knocking down tasks (Natalie's financial aid forms) and stacks of printed matter. I pawed through a couple of year-end and 2021 outlook periodicals and got them safely into the recycling bins. One good article I read was about the importance of picking up new skills as one ages to maintain brain plasticity, and it cited the example of a 70-year old physicist who took up juggling. Now that's a fine idea.

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