Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Poor day on the courts

I was up 3-2, then had a very poor service game in the 7th game and basically fell apart from there. It's not that I did anything terrible, but a few poor shots broke my spirit and I didn't fight back well.

A couple of things here.
1. I was totally in my head. Other things just crept in there and I couldn't focus on the matter at hand, putting the ball back in the court and letting Adam make mistakes. In this regard tennis is just a bad game for me. There is so much time for me to be in my head and drift off and think about other things, then make mistakes and get down on myself.
2. Getting rid of cable means that I never watch a whole tennis match. I only watch highlight videos, and mostly Federer at that. Which is, as we say, not a representative sample. So all I see is great shots, for the most part. The creme de la creme. Which is an awful lot of creme. Which cannot but infect my subconscious with a belief that that is the way tennis is played, when in fact it is the way tennis is played only very, very rarely.

But it was very nice out and so much more pleasant than just going for a run.

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