Sunday, April 26, 2020

Moving on

What is there to say?

  • I cut my hair for the second time last night, using a 3 on most of my head and a 4 up top. Mary and Natalie refused to give me feedback beyond "it looks just like your hair always does." Mom, when she was dropping off stuff from the CSA, at least gave me feedback that there were a couple of spots in the back of my head where I could go over it again.
  • A can of salmon had been taunting me in the pantry for a while, so with the help of the interweb I made salmon patties for lunch. Graham confessed that "they're pretty good with ketchup," high praise from him. Actually, it's something of a triumph to expand his diet in any way, so we'll be getting more tinned salmon from the store.
  • Natalie made a coffee cake yesterday evening. It included chocolate chips as well as a frosting, so it's a little over the top by Mary's standards, and even my own, but I will certainly eat the hell out of it.
  • Watched Local Hero with the kids over the last couple of nights. Still a fine movie. It took a while for them to catch the groove, but then it had them.
  • Grinding my way through Charles Geist's Wall Street: A History, which indeed contains a lot about the history of domestic capital markers and finance more broadly. Interestingly, he glides right past the Spanish Flu and even the recession following it in a way that seems pretty cavalier just now, but perhaps that's indicative of history's longer view of pandemics.
  • Ran 5+ miles yesterday to justify takeout from Luna's in Carrboro (a good meal and value) as well as the coffee cake.
And now, it is time for my afternoon coffee. More later.

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