Friday, February 28, 2020

This virus thing

It would be disingenuous of me to pretend like the coronavirus and its influence on the markets was not unsettling. It is. The situation on the ground is fast moving and it brings up uncomfortable memories of the financial crisis.

But back then I was only tending to my own family's money, now I feel some real responsibility for the long-term welfare of others.

To complicate matters, there is an internal tension between the common human response of being concerned about the health and welfare of human beings, the professional response of thinking about client funds, and -- at the furthest reaches of my mind -- civic concerns around how the situation might negatively impact a very important election year. What if campaign activities are curtailed? Or primaries? Or even, dare I say it, the general election itself?

In the middle of this I am working as hard as possible to do things to keep my horizon's lengthened by maintaining my daily routine of meditation, work, exercise, reading, and 30 Rock reruns. Reading Charlie Munger's impassioned and well-thought out calls for multidisciplinary education is instructive. In today's reading he argues for making lots of education like pilot training. I won't go into further detail than that, but he has a point. A wise dude.

1 comment:

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

Apparently, in Persian, this means:

"Deepwater Refrigerator

Set of lampshades

Olivia TV

Freon Alton"

The internet is a crazy fucking thing. Probably I should just delete this, but... it's so crazy I have to leave it. Maybe they are just testing a method of automating a bypass of reCapcha