Sunday, February 23, 2020

Preparing for lift off

Laying low around the house as I wait for this stye to go away. It inclines me away from reading a little bit, so I am trying non-eye related things like talking on the phone and listening to music.

I was reminded of how my old classmate from both Yale and Columbia Stephen Johnson said that he spends about 30-45 minutes a day just listening to music. Which seems like a good idea, and has clearly worked for him, since he writes bestsellers about basically whatever he wants to and hauls down high 5-low 6-figure speaking fees. Then again I have to remind myself that the guy started out with money. I remember going to a party at his apartment near Columibia and it was ridiculously large and he had this big-assed Mac and also a real Stratocaster and I was just like hmmm. But he does do pretty good work.

In any case, I do hope my eye is better by tomorrow because by hook or by crook I will be getting on an airplane and going to Washington DC late in the day tomorrow, spending a couple of days there seeing a client and others. Booked a room in some sort of swanky Hilton affiliate on a surprisingly small amount of points. Undoubtedly I'll get the crappiest little room, but it was quasi-free, so who am I to complain?

But I do gotta figure out which book(s) to take. Not this bio of Henry Luce.

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