Saturday, July 30, 2022

Small triumphs

What with it being July in NC and all, it was hot as all get out yesterday when I headed out on the court to play Ted for the first time. I had seen Ted play a bunch of times and had hit with him once, if briefly, so my general impression heading into the match was that I was playing up, though I knew he wasn't going to be as mobile as I am because he plays a bunch of doubles and has some sort of knee brace. In the first set, he took me 6-2. The second set was a whole different ball of wax. I was up 5-2 then ended up winning 6-4. I consider that a minor triumph, first and foremost in quelling the voice in my head telling me that he was better than me. I mean, in some ways he is, but he's not fitter than me and in the end that was a factor.

But I was toast after we played. At least I remembered to take a magnesium before bed to manage down the risk of overnight cramping.

This morning I headed out on my road bike a little before 11. It wasn't quite as hot today, but it was hot enough. It had been overcast earlier but that burned off; the sun was plenty bright. I headed out Dairyland, and even before I got to Maple View my right calf was giving me little twitches, threatening to cramp. I realized I hadn't had my normal mid-morning banana, so I backed off and nursed my way though the ride, filling up my water bottles at the ice cream place, stopping three times in total. On the way back, my hamstrings were signaling their own discontent. In the end, I made it home without any major cramping, a total of 28 miles, my longest of this very much travel-disrupted summer. I'll take it.

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