Thursday, July 21, 2022

A dream

Last night I had a dream in which Hilary, my college girlfriend, was finally, conclusively, forever, no kidding, breaking up with me. She was done. Moreover she was going out with Jody Maxwell. She/they lived on the other side of this enormous libraryish building where I also lived, down on a lower floor where I went and visited with Jody and he in his inimitable good humor described to me in greater detail than was necessary some of the sex they were having. But it's hard to be mad at Jody.

I was at length able to get Hilary's attention and in the most masochistic way possible force her to explicitly tell me that, yes, it was over. I created a somewhat maudlin scene.

Earlier in the dream, on the way back up to my little apartment, which was accessed by means of some sort of freight elevator, I saw that the librarians had put out a nice display of books which were aligned with something I had been researching not long before. I picked some of them up and studied them, inwardly pleased at the librarians' thoughtful touch.

At the end of the dream I was trying to figure out what the year was. Bear in mind that Hilary and I had in fact broken up finally, conclusively and forever in 1987 or 8, depending on how you count it. In my quasi-dream state I decided that it was perhaps as late as 2001 or 2.

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