Monday, May 02, 2022


As I may have shared in the past, I have a very deliberate rhythm to my mornings through which I very intentionally try to shut out the concerns of the day. In particular, I don't look at stock futures, texts or email till 8:30, if I can help it at all.

At times this is a very difficult discipline. Right now, with the sirens of escalation in Ukraine, inflation fears, shortages, blah blah blah, it's very easy to get caught up in the anxieties of the moment. To make matters worse, our neighbor's dog Opie has been yapping and now the landscapers out at the park in the lake are going full bore with their riding mowers.

But I do what I can. Today I finally made it through the annual letter of Kanbrick, a "mini-Berkshire Hathaway" founded by a woman who was Warren Buffett's assistant for some time that aims act as a Berkshire for middle-market US companies. Her letter is nowhere near as good as Buffett's -- probably because she doesn't have a Carol Loomis to help her with it -- but I like what Kanbrick is trying to do in general, so I'll try to keep an eye on the company.

Anyhow, by now the day is upon me.

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