Thursday, March 10, 2022

Every fiber of my being

Last Friday Graham had tickets to High School Musical: The Musical, out at East. We were pretty excited about this because Graham had never been to or shown interest in this kind of thing, he didn't have close friends in it, really he was just going because everybody else was going and it was the social thing to do. I was in Hillsborough with a client but I grabbed food at a taco truck and hustled home to feed Graham the agreed upon repast. Graham duly snarfed his tacos al pastor and headed off. We expected him back at around 9:30, 9:45, somewhere in there.

Maybe 35-40 minutes later, we hear the door to the mudroom open as Graham comes back in. "What's up?" we asked him. "I hated it with every fiber of my being," he informed us, "I walked out during the first song," at which point in time he retreated to his bedroom. Thankfully, it turned out, he had been seated near the back so the whole school did not note his hasty retreat.

So Graham and I got to get up under the blanket and watch the last episode of Season 6 of Bosch, with Rascal perched on the back of the couch, as she is wont to do. Worked out for me.

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