Thursday, February 04, 2021

The hot hand

Today I'll cheat slightly with a brief post, as in the early days of the Grouse, when I would sometimes slip in a sentence or two just to get something on the scoreboard.

Watched "Street Food: Asia" on Netflix last night, and episode about Osaka, Japan. Not a great show, fairly formulaic, but it does give you a sense of other places in the world. I guess this is pretty much a genre by now and Anthony Bourdain probably did it a whole lot better before he offed himself, but hey, Netflix isn't pushing Bourdain into my recommendations feed and by the end of the day I'll be damned if I'm gonna go out and do a bunch of research to figure out where I can watch it. And I am certainly not paying Amazon per episode to watch it. 

I guess I pretty much do have a gratuitous snack after watching these shows, and it's never quite as good as what they showed on TV.

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