Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Blowing in the wind

Yesterday was our first time back out on the court for a week or so, seemed like months. It also seemed like Siberia. The temp wasn't that cold, but the wind was ridiculous.

Z took me 6-3, 6-0, 6-2. Thank God nobody was there to see it. The wind was doing all kinds of crazy things with my shots and I just couldn't process it.

But of course, he was playing in the same wind as I was, which begs the question: what's the difference? Why did Z hold up better under those conditions than I did, when we are not that lopsided when the weather is not a factor? I have to believe it's a function of mental toughness and focus. I'll bet it even has something to do with him playing more poker and golf than I do, and also all the many hours he has logged on the basketball court. And more years under his belt as a business person. He just has more time in games under pressure than I do.

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