Monday, February 15, 2021

Presidents' Day

It had somehow escaped my attention that Presidents' Day was coming up, and that it was a market holiday, which means that I feel entitled to more or less not work. Except for responding to a couple of client emails and doing some Board stuff and working on some stuff around the house. I will take it.

Usually I feel like Martin Luther King Jr Day is that holiday that lets us get over the holidays, but this year I guess it's Presidents' Day, because what we are getting over is not just the holidays (which were tiring and stressful in a different way this year because of COVID [BTW I include that note only for when I'm checking this out in the future, just in case]), but also Trump's second impeachment trial and the unprecedented assault it has made on the democratic process.

Of course there's really no rest for the weary, what with the 2022 elections already peaking over the horizon. But I'm not going to go off on them, because really what I am celebrating is a brief moment of freedom and respite from all of that.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and somehow I lost sight of that and neglected to even get Mary some flowers. I did make a fire for her and keep it going in the fireplace from about 2:30 till bedtime and I gave her a nice backrub too, but still I messed up a little. She got me a chocolate bar but forgot to give it to me till this morning, but that's OK. We will get through this.

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