Saturday, February 13, 2021

Dissertation dream

Woke up this morning a little before six after having a dissertation anxiety dream. I've had more than a few of these. In these case I had chosen to write on this guy Chukovsky, who in my dream was famed primarily for a very thick tome of memoirs though I had a vague sense he had done something else too. In any case, I had read basically nothing of his and had selected the topic basically as a stunt. I was conscious of the fact that I already had a PhD and it was ridiculous that I was undertaking this project in the first place, but still I was doing it because it would have looked silly to back out, more or less.

I have had many similar dreams, but this one was long on detail.

Couldn't quite get back to sleep afterwards so I went ahead and woke up. It's sad to say, but after my friend Steve up in Princeton -- one of my sherpas into the world of finance -- told me he reads The Economist cover to cover every week, I kind of have it in the back of my mind that it's a good idea to do that and it was sort of goading me to get up -- even after I had that dream. Though I do of course have my standing 8:30 Saturday meeting plus my weekly appointment with an eagerly awaited cheese omelet.

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