Thursday, March 22, 2018

My big mouth, as yet unopened

Yesterday evening I attended a fundraiser for Josh at the home of Bill Bell, the former mayor of Durham. I should say first off that the man's house was not ostentatious: there is not a hint that the man has had occasion or inclination to misuse public funds or influence thereover. He worked at IBM for a while, and then served the citizens of Durham for a couple of decades, and appears to live like an entirely normal person.

Secondly, it occurred to me that, as I spin wheels trying to figure out how to help the Democrats achieve goals in the 2018 cycle, specifically up in Person County where we are trying to help them win back District 2 for the NC General Assembly, rather than trying to pull rabbits from a hat in a place I don't know well, I should be thinking about raising money down here in Orange County, where there is more money to be raised. So maybe we do another event.

However, that will involve talking to Mary. Since we've done some work on the house, I ought to be able to pull it off, but I will tread gently for now.

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