Friday, December 26, 2008

Starbucks, Mamaroneck, Boston Post Road, 4:21

The same crazy hyper-social guy is in here as last time I was here, asking everybody how their holiday was, making jokes. Even tapped me on the shoulder. Much like my dad, but closer to having a diagnosis.

Master DJ Starbux spinning milquetoast pop same as ever, in this case crooner John Legend, who has lifted a well-known Mark Knofler lick and sings like Sting on top of it, and acts like he should be given a biscuit for it.

Meanwhile, on Facebook, I trailed Michael Morand through what looks to be a cool Gilbert and George show at the Brooklyn Museum.Gotta love 2.0.

Speaking of, I was moved by the personal appeal from Jimmy Wales to donote money to Wikipedia. They've been slow to raise $6 mln Obama style, and if anybody deserves a little donation, Wikipedia does. Where would we be if we had to go back to Googling things to do basic queries? That's a donation that will pay for itself lickety split.

1 comment:

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