Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Today is not Thursday

Turns out, it's Wednesday.

But I went through the day thinking it was Thursday. In the morning I talked to Bob and Simon about a meeting we've got planned for Friday. I referred to it as "tomorrow." In the afternoon I drank the Coke that I allow myself on Thursdays. It was good.

Then Webb tells me that we've got 2 freakin JADD sessions over at the dusty client. I have to actually work tomorrow.

Gradually, I've adjusted to the new reality of Wednesday. At least I've aged more slowly than I thought I had.


Anonymous said...

Alzheimer's is becoming more prevalent, FYI.

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

That's funny. My mom's mom withered and died at great length from Alzheimer's. It was nasty.

But Alzheimer's is very much a LOL thing, as you imply.