Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Routines nearing 60

Over the weekend there was a story in the Journal about some guy who turned 60 and went about doing a bunch of novel things to mix things up out of a fear that he had become too boring. I am not quite 60, but it's true that I am now closer to 60 than I am even to 55 so it was worth pondering. 

Part of the guy's concern was that he was so set in his routines that he didn't even have any fresh stories to tell. On the one hand, I can see that. On the other, I'm not a freaking entertainer over here. My kids seem to love me. I do OK with my friends just by staying consistent in calling and showing up. My cats like it when I pet them.

At the same time I do know that keeping some diversity of experience rolling through the old noggin benefits me so it can only benefit my self-presentation, my "product," as it were. The rump shaker, the money maker. How to arrive at adequate, appropriate, and carbon-lite diversification of experience? Working on it.

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