Saturday, November 25, 2023

Notes in passing

Moving books from upstairs to downstairs -- and from Natalie's overburdened IKEA Billy shelf -- to populate our new built in shelves downstairs. It's noteworthy that all of our "pocket paperbacks" are several decades old. They seem to neither print nor sell many of these in the places we shop. You have to wonder if these very small paperbacks used to be marketable because the median age was lower back in the 70s-80s. Now that the average age has trended up the small fonts and tight leading don't fit people's reading habit.


On the theme of just reading rather than worrying too much about what I'm specifically reading, I started reading a New Yorker profile of the art dealer Larry Gagosian from a July issue. Turns out the guy basically fell into art by accident. It was just the first thing he found to sell and he made money at it so he kept going. Now he rules the art world from almost twenty galleries spread across continents. If there were any doubts that markets ruled high as well as middle and low culture, let them be summarily dispelled. Yet another reason to not live in New York or LA or San Francisco etc. in a place where people get entirely caught up in jockeying for cultural prestige. Chapel Hill is surely bad enough.


Should probably get Graham out to practice parallel parking. It's good just to get him behind the wheel and the Subaru needs exercise.

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