Monday, July 10, 2023

Game addiction and upselling

A couple of weeks back I mentioned I was getting sucked into the gamification features of Duolingo. That has only intensified with time. I just finished off a week at the top of the "Gold League" and was promoted to the "Sapphire League." Of course, all this means nothing to nobody but me, but I have been completly sucked into the competitive aspect of it. It was all I could do to stop myself last night from grinding another 30-40 minutes to get enough points to end up at #1, and honor which fell to one Jason Goggino, that lame-assed motherfucker.

I did get upsold to Super Duolingo, which is ad free. $7.95 a month, I think. Isn't everything these days? But I have resisted the temptation to buy "Timer Boosts" which would help me get more points and other bullshit. But I see how people could get drawn in.

One thing that does seem to be happening is that my French is getting refreshed. Soon I will start on Spanish so I'll be ready for that leg of me and Mary's upcoming trip. Probably I will eventually do the same with German and maybe even Serbo-Croatian. Or, perhaps, I will take up Ukrainian.

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