Tuesday, February 07, 2023

The Plot

To be frank, I wasn't all that well-disposed towards enjoying Jean Hanff Korelitz's The Plot, although the book's premise (author steals a surefire and novel plot from another author and is then hounded by an anonymous troll about his theft) sounded fun and it was reputed to be clever. Fact is, Korelitz was generally pretty rude and dismissive towards our family when we lived in Princeton back in the oughts and had good friends in common. Probably I didn't strike her as cultured enough, given that I was hustling and trying to figure out how to earn a living and my literary chops were very much decaying at an almost palpable pace. Her husband Paul was always pleasant enough.

But then I picked up a used copy of it at the new branch of Golden Fig Books at Carr Mill, an excellent addition to the local crop of bookeries. And I read it. Really quickly. The buzz is correct, it is fun and engrossing, though by the end it proceeds rather tautologically if still in a fresh groove. Nonetheless, I had some good laughs even in the very last pages.

Read it. Let me know if you'd like to borrow my copy.

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