Sunday, November 20, 2022

Personal finance day

Today I found myself -- as I often do -- taken up with personal finance tasks. I spent about an hour and a quarter on the phone with Rob mapping out and talking through the various things that need to be done to close out Mary Lee's estate. Then I spend an 90 minutes and change working through Graham's CSS/Profile, his FAFSA having been dispatched a couple of weeks ago.

In fact by now I know that UNC isn't going to give us any money, nor indeed should it. But I tell my clients and the people who come to my workshops that everyone should fill out the financial aid forms, just in case. Though in truth I think I may be retiring that workshop since my cohort of contemporaries seems to have sent all of its kids off to college already and also because I know longer really want to fish in the pond of people saving for college. But I nonetheless feel like I should fill the damn things out. And now I have done so.

I think it is time that I made the first fire of the season, though it's a long shot that Mary will join me so sit by it, so consumed is she by reviewing the photos she took in some swamp or other. It's good for her as a photographer that she has moved away from always shooting portraits of people. But it does not make her a better evening companion, because her new routine is shoot in the afternoon, come home and have dinner, then plunk down in front of her iMac and assiduously go through the day's shots, in the hopes that something may prove good.

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