Saturday, October 01, 2022

Resisting the urge

Right about now I am resisting the urge to call up Graham to check in and see how he is doing. I didn't spend much time with him last weekend, being sick and all. Really I know it is good for him to be learning how to figure out how to do things on his own and, honestly, it's good for me too.

That said, it's not like I haven't seen him this week. I'd better put this little episode down for posterity. On Wednesday morning Graham texts me and says: "Could you bring some long pants up here? It's getting chilly." It seemed like a reasonable enough request and we agreed that I'd bring some up after he got back from chess club in the evening. At around 8:45 that evening he texts me and says "I'm back." So I went in his room and started looking around. There was one pair of pants in his bottom drawer and a couple more formalish ones in his closet, but that was it. The absence of jeans and sweatpants was particularly curious. But I threw what I could find in a bag and took them up to campus. He too was a little confused. "Maybe they are in a suitcase that got lost or something," he speculated. Fair enough, I figured. Stranger things have happened.

The next morning I got a text saying, and I quote "Dad I found my sweatpants we did put them in my dorm I just didn't check all the drawers." I then asked about jeans, to which he responded "I also found jeans." 

I believe no further commentary is necessary.

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