Saturday, July 18, 2020

Decisions decisions

Lately I have been doing my weekend exercise in the late morning as the heat of the day rises. Today is biking today. Honestly I don't feel like it, and today will be marginally less hot than recent days and it also promises to be less sunny later in the day.

And yet, there are still good arguments for going. I get my exercise in while Graham is still in bed, for example. Not that he spends much time anywhere else. He is typically either sleeping or reading while supine on his bed. We keep meaning to get him into other postures but get lazy ourselves. Perhaps a game of chess later in the day, or he can help me clean this porch, which needs its annual spraying with bleach solution.

Really I should get up off my ass and ride to Durham, as I have been meaning to for some time. I mean, I have the Gatorade for it. We shall see.

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