Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Air conditioning

Came home last night to discover that the downstairs AC unit was not working. Mary hadn't noticed, and Natalie hadn't processed it (and rightfully so, what 20-year old would really get it or know how to troubleshoot it).

A guy is coming over later today. Someone who had been by the house before, back in 2018 when somebody had recommended we needed a whole big new unit. He had come by and replaced a part instead, making him a hero in Mary's mind (as opposed to the other mountebanks). I vaguely remembered it, but Mary totally remembered it and was able to actually produce the receipt for it from deep within her files (most impressive!).

I spent a fair amount of last night looking into what it would cost to replace the unit and getting myself mentally ready for it, and also investigating the expected life span of an AC system (12 to 15 years). Fortunately we had a couple of fans in the attic that we could put in the kids' rooms. Our upstairs unit is working just fine. I can go to my office. I can fund the purchase if necessary.

But of course, me being me, I am gripped with some fear and shame of having done something wrong; "isn't there supposed to be a filter there? Should we have replaced it two years ago?"

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