Saturday, July 11, 2020

An actual dream

Last night, probably not long before waking in the morning, I had a dream. There were a number of components to it, I'm not sure of the exact order.

There was a bit about rejection from a romantic relationship from many years ago from a partner that felt super significant at the time, probably because it was at the beginning of a lot of psychological stress and, ultimately, change, from which I emerged healthier. I think we were walking to a bathroom, something like at Open Eye in Carrboro, and she was sort of explaining why she rejected me, which wasn't the high point of the dream. Then I was in a booth at a diner or something and I ended up snuggling -- fully clothed mind you -- with someone from my high school class who I know I made out with at least once back in the day. I believe there may have been some "heavy petting" back then, but early, fumbling, and inconclusive. By no means a major romance, just a member of my high school tribe. This snuggling part was comforting.

Then there was the soccer part of the dream. It was a big, crowded, swarming game of pickup. I was on offense, atypically. Somebody hit a shot from off to the right hand side of the goal and it came off the left hand post and back across the goal, moving fast. It was a tap in opportunity and -- in typical defender fashion -- I did not score. It came off my foot and went wide. I was disappointed, but not too down on myself, because it all happened really fast.

Then I got subbed off the field, there were a ton of people waiting to get in (unlike true pick up), and I was a little pissed about that. I went up to the end of the field, there was kind of an elevation there, and I found a bag full of sandwiches, I think they were chicken cheese steaks, from Jimmy John's or the like. I was like, "should I snag them or not?" I looked for a receipt to see how old they were, and they weren't that old. I knew in principle that Mary would not want to pass up free food, which would save meal prep and planning and also prevent food waste. But she's also not a big fan of the cheese steak concept. I think I ended up keeping them. 

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