Friday, February 08, 2019

Big and easy

Mary and I are getting ready to go to New Orleans tomorrow for the weekend, our first time ever. The occasion for the trip is a little talk I have to give at a conference of Slavists on alternative career paths -- the last time I am ever doing this for free, unless it's a short drive from home.

It's also the first time we've ever gotten on a plane to go somewhere for a weekend for fun, and our first weekend alone as a couple for several years. We did it maybe in 2015 in Asheville or so after dropping Natalie off at camp or something.

It's obvious that it's a good thing to do for our relationship. Graham is 1/8th of the way through high school now, and of course it's clear to me that that will be over tomorrowish, the way time flies at our age. We need to relearn how to spend time together enjoyably as a couple.

The other day Adam said the blog was sometimes repetitive, and I know that I have been thinking about this theme for a while, so it's likely I've blogged about it. So I'll stop.

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