Thursday, May 28, 2009

La gente, unida

So tonight was the end of year picnic at Community Park School, when everybody brings potluck dinners.  And since CP is located in the only neighborhood in Princeton with a substantial hispanic population, it's a poorly kept secret that the best Mexican food in town is served at this picnic.  And that the Mexican food is far and away the best food at the picnic, although someone Asian usually makes some delicious dumplings too.  Us gringos are kinda slack.   We, for instance, showed up with a lame noodles with peanut sauce, peas, and scallions dish.

So imagine our dismay when we showed up at the picnic, and saw delicious looking stuff on the plates of various Mexican and Guatemalan folx, but we couldn't find it on the picnic table.  Apparently, some private label distribution was going on amongst la communidad.  And who can blame them? 

Eventually some of the good stuff made it to the table.  We should really host a dinner at which we cook real food for the ladies (we assume) of the hood, because they are getting a raw deal at present.

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