Friday, May 15, 2009

Glut of construction workers and Habitat

Has this surplus been addressed? Could construction workers come in and upskill people? But how can you convince construction workers to give away something that destroys their market value, and how do you teach them to teach?

Generally speaking, Habitat is could be net destructive of value. From Mercy Corps New Orleans anecdotes, construction workers have to go back in and rebuild shit on Monday that Habitat people cobble together over the weekend to assuage their guilty feelings. Better use of bourgeois people's time than swinging hammer would be to tutor and/or clean brownfields and plant trees or somesuch. Variously learn/teach financial literacy, as needed. Just donate money.

Habitat makes people feel good and that they're doing something. That could be a good thing, if it inspires them to do more, or a bad one, if they go home and do less.

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