Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Day of Challenges

Nasty drive home today for Concord, MA. First was vexed by Massachusetts and its typical shit. Trying to take 126 to the Masspike, got confused by multiple sets of poor and misleading directions. And the de minimus signage favored in puritano-aesthetic North was no help. What would have helped, admittedly, was a good map. But I was too cheap and lazy for that.

The Masspike and gentle Connecticut were kind to me, admittedly, flowing by smoothly. Even the occasionally skittish Saw Mill and Tappan Zee rained favor on me.

But my New Jersey and the inaptly named Garden State, they made my day.... nasty. And diverting onto 78 was vexing in its own way. All in all, bad.

And then, at home, I discover that my power brick would appear to have died. So I have to commandeer Mary's computer till Dell can get me another one. Stay tuned..

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