Thursday, July 21, 2005

Six Sigma for the bench

Quick perusal of Times coverage indicates that maybe the guy could be worse: he's definitely corporate, and very revolving door. Rarely does one see so transparent an instance of putting one of "our guys" up on the bench. But from the bible thumping (henceforth let us return to our fall term"thumping") perspective he could be a lot worse. Or maybe he's just stealth.

He does continue to look a little too much like Dan Quayle, or just a purely generic midwesterner. It could be that nominating him or another like him is just meant to bring the perception of the court closer to the heartland. Instead of a big-dicked porn-loving black man, a fire-breathing Brooklyn-bred Italian intellectual, a New England momma's boy nerd, a spinster-looking Jewess... A man with a firm handshake and a steady putt, a Six Sigma justice.

1 comment:

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

Read this, trying to figure out who the hell I was talking about. John Roberts, apparently.