Monday, July 01, 2024

Sitting round at home

Just now I took a quick scan of an article on Medium entitled "10 Deadly Habits You Need to Avoid." Something like that. I didn't expect an epiphany, but figured it was unlikely to hurt me.

One of them was "sitting more than 8-10 hours a day." I have been following all the hoopla about sitting being the new smoking etc but had never seen a number like that. Shit, I got out of bed 90 minutes ago and have been sitting at least 75 of those, though perhaps I may exclude the brief period in quasi-lotus position while I meditated. I sit a lot, enough that my butt gets tired. Should I perhaps be looking into a standing desk? It's not like I can stop reading and doing the things I need to do while sitting.

It also mentioned being late as a bad habit. "How many times will you have to say 'I'm sorry' to a friend?" Also not always my strongest suit. I am fortunate that Z continues to play tennis with me, the number of times I've been 3-5 minutes late.

Anyhoo, I think Graham's up. Time to stand up and go empty the dishwasher while he eats breakfast.

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