Saturday, July 06, 2024

Dr No

I just polished off Percival Everett's Dr No. We had enjoyed the movie American Fiction, based on another Everett's Erasure, then I read of profile of him in the New Yorker, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I finished it. I wasn't blown away, but it was amusing enough, if occasionally dragged down by an excess of mathy discourse (the protagonist is a math professor). I may read more in the future but I won't sprint after it. 

It was important that I finish the book because I had just gotten 100 pages or so into some random Scandinavian murder mystery I had picked up at Circle City Books in Pittsboro and I hate to quit two books in a row.


Easy Rawlins said...

Have you read James, basically Huckleberry Finn through Jim's eyes?

To me awesome, hilarious, infuriating book. A good read and literature too.

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

Nah. This was my first book by him. Another friend recommends it so I'll keep my eyes out for a used copy at my favorite print emporia.

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you do read it.

The book convinced me Huck was a great kid but his friend Tom was a total good-for-nothing!