Monday, April 19, 2021

Regime change

My rhythms are about to change. First off, my hip injury. I felt a twing late in my match with Z on Thursday, then yesterday it came back when we were playing and I had to retire after one set. It was like flipping a switch: my mobility was reduced, and all of a sudden I had to go for winners so that I didn't have to play long points with lots of running. In my mind's eye I could see myself as one of these older guys on the court with limited mobility, and it made me think back to a conversation I had with my friend Matt earlier in the week. He had just turned 60 and was talking about how his body just began to fall apart.

On the one hand, it's not a pretty vision. I prize the exceptional mobility I've been able to maintain well into my fifties. On the other hand, it is what it is, and I have to accept reality, though I can also make some adjustments (lay off it for a little while, stretch more, get more professional guidance on what I need to do to keep going....)

Secondly, I booked some tickets to fly to NYC in May and go from there to New Haven to get her out of her apartment. This means getting back on shared conveyances: planes, subways and trains. Rationally I'm pretty sure the risks are well-managed on them by now, and I have two shots under my belt and can wear a mask or even two when in metal tubes with others. But still it's a pretty big change.

More importantly, it means getting back on the road to go to other places, something I'm a little bit less excited about than I used to be. I have come to like it at home.

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