Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Policy Options

There is a growing consensus amongst talking heads and other prognosticators that the range of traditional monetary and fiscal policy options for combatting our current economic morass are largely exhausted. In earlier, happier times, we might also avail ourselves of the traditional option of starting a war to feel mighty and virile and stoke demand. Unfortunately, we already did that, and it's not working.

Fear -- Lets Have a War


Anonymous said...

Let's further massage and confuse economic data to make ourselves feel good. Energy and food are already out of the CPI, let's just remove everything else that average people buy that costs money. Voila, inflation will vanish instantly. Next, let's further redefine the unemployed as the "latently employed", and unemployment disappears.
This plan will obviate the need to do painful things like actually stop government spending, pay down our debt, and raise interest rates to do something to salvage the plummeting dollar and decrease the worldwide inflationary pressures which come from the falling dollar.

Anonymous said...

Just rub some cream on it, the economy will grow to magnificent proportions.

Anonymous said...