Friday, August 20, 2021

Natalie's coffee cup

After I pack, it's time to head to the airport to fly to Austin to meet Natalie, have dinner with Allison and Justin (and meet Haydn and Dylan for the first time!), then drive back through the deepest depths of the Mississippi Delta (sadly, pun intended) region. We will pass like Lenin on the sealed train from Zurich to St Petersburg in 1917, going into as few buildings as humanly possible for as short a time as possible.

When Natalie left for California in June, she left us with a couple of coffee cups for the summer. There's this old china one and then another with some cute little animal on it. I have folded this one into my mix of morning caffeine delivery vehicles, whereas Mary has adopted the latter. It has been a nice little addition to the variable elements thrown into my daily routine and has helped to pass the time.

In general, COVID living continues to help me hone life skills around appreciation of such little things. It has never been so manifestly clear how good our lives are, so that all we need to do is appreciate our bounty. As you can see from this picture, a rare glance into the sanctum sanctorum of my study, where a select few mortals are permitted to tread, mostly because Mary is self-conscious about the underdecoratedness and slight messiness of our bedroom, I have a lot of books. Frankly, I haven't read most of them, probably, or haven't read them in decades, which is more or less the same thing. Plus I have not one but two guitars now, and many baseball caps (just out of view). Plus the whole interweb. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams.

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