Sunday, December 27, 2020


Coming along Lake Shore Lane, across the street from Woody and Harriet's house, I saw a young girl in the driveway with what was clearly a new skateboard, one of the really cheap, plastic variety, just like the kind I snapped up somewhere in the southwest in 1976 (Santa Fe) and then had promptly taken away from me when I rode it inside the grocery store on what turned out to be a very slippery floor and -- having no experience whatsoever with skateboarding -- quickly sent projectile-style into a display of some kind of stuff, maybe a freezer case. I had no idea they still made those. In her case, the board itself was a very bright, electric blue, and it matched her shirt. It was pretty awesome.

Just then, across the street from me, came a young supermom type, pushing a couple of toddlers in a jogging stroller with another kid, maybe 6ish, trailing along behind them on a bike. My first thought was "where is their slacker-assed dad?" Then I realized that around here he might be somewhere working on a COVID therapy or up on an ER or something. You never know. 

Then I came past Bob and Emily's, where Bob was hitting a tennis ball against the garage door. He is pretty serious, played at least high school if not college tennis. No slacker. I had just seen that he had a court scheduled out at the Farm the next day when Z and I are supposed to be over there. He said he's taking his 12ish-year old daughter out there. Gotta love it.

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