Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Update from the court

The score today at the farm was 4-6, 6-2. Z and I have been splitting a fair amount recently, though admittedly he's been winning a bit more than I have, on average.

Today I did well to fight off a spate of negative self-talk about midway through the first set. I forget what the catalyst was, it really doesn't matter, but my mind latched onto something off-court, something professional, a small risk with which I have concerned myself this week, and I put that together with a few crappy backhands and my mind was off and running into the gutter. But I pulled back and kept the set close.

Obviously, the second set went much better, particularly in that I avoided self-sabotaging myself with a lot of stupid things, such as the false bravado that leads me sometimes to go for stupid winners when I feel like I have a margin for error. Overall, I'll take it. And, unlike Sunday, I did not fall on my butt while backpedaling to try to dink back one of Z's lobs. It still kind of smarts back there from Sunday.

Pretty sure I only had one double fault.

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