Thursday, October 22, 2020

A new driver

Yesterday I discovered that Mary's car Beatrice (the 2010 Prius) was due for registration by 10/31, so she needed to be inspected. This morning, I hustled her in to Chapel Hill Tire down by the mall around opening, using that as a pretext to get a biscuit from Sunrise.

When I got there Bucky (cousin to Chris and Thomas Clark) was working the desk, and he looked at me and asked "Do you have an appointment?" I didn't, and he asked if I could leave it, which I could. Of course I had to eat my biscuit before it got cold, but as I sat there I thought about how they really couldn't give me a ride back to the house because, you know, Covid. Mary was still enjoying her beauty sleep almost certainly, and I was a little overdressed to walk back, with my briefcase and laptop and all, but then the solution dawned on me: our youngest driver.

It was 8:10 and Graham didn't have class till 9, but I knew that he was laying in bed reading his iPad because I had already gone in for a morning hug, so I called him up and gently informed him that he was going to come pick me up. To make the navigation component really easy I told him to meet me at the fire station at Elliot and Franklin. He begrudgingly accepted, and came and got me.

And so begins a new era in our household. Graham has begun to earn the couple of hundred extra bucks a month for auto insurance to have this him on our policy. We may hope that, as it dawns on him that he can just grab a key and hop in that big hunk of metal, plastic and rubber and go, he may also spread his wings a little.

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