Thursday, September 05, 2019

Chappelle special

Watched a bit of Dave Chappelle's most recent show on Netflix last night. He's doing stand-up in Atlanta.

The thing that impressed me first and foremost is how surprisingly much his groove dovetailed with the Trumpians and other male whiners about what is being taken away from him. How hard it is on celebrities these days, when everybody is all up in Michael Jackson and R Kelly's business just because they were having sex with children. All celebrities have targets on their heads, he tells us. And then he was complaining about how come he couldn't say "faggot" when he could say "nigger." Oh cry me a river.

Throughout history comics have played an important role in critiquing society's repressive tendencies: Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, SNL, etc. They burst through boundaries for us. That's great, thanks. But right now Chappelle just sounds like a little too much like some dude on Reddit whose had his Nth Amendment freedom taken away.

Still, he's pretty funny here and there. Because he's Dave Chappelle, bitch. Not as funny as the first season of his show, but that was like an all-time peak for comedy, he ain't never going back there.

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