Thursday, August 15, 2019

Writing every day

I was just reading a blog about writing every day, when I realized I should really rather be writing than reading. After all, the initial premise of Chew Your Grouse was that it should be a daily blog, though I have slipped from that practice somewhat. Having kept a pace of about three or four posts a week over coming up on fifteen years is really not too shabby though, so I won't beat up on myself too hard.

We are getting ready to head off on a "mini-vacation" as a family. We'll go from Larchmont up to Cold Springs to go for a hike. Natalie picked the hike for us, the Hudson Highlands Trail. As luck would have it, I'm 90% certain this is the hike Mary and I made the day after the day after our wedding, when we took a mini-honeymoon and stayed in a B&B in Croton-on-Hudson.

This was the day that we went up to Garrison to get sandwiches, the day the dudes drinking beer in the parking lot used the word "cleanity," as described in this post.

At any rate, while Mary and I were out on the Hudson Highlands Trail, we encountered a young couple in a meadow who got up somewhat sheepishly, as if they had been enjoying themselves in the traditional way. We kept right on hiking, but actually hastened back to our B&B pretty quickly thereafter.

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