Sunday, December 30, 2018

The end?

And so, another vacation in Larchmont draws to a close, perhaps the last one. In the distance, across the Long Island Sound, the lights of the North Shore twinkle in the distance. I have spent many excellent hours on this couch, several of them today. Will this be the last of them?

We shall see.

Much of the last few days was spent ploughing through John Carreyrou's Bad Blood, in which the Wall Street Journal reporter tells the tale of the epic lie that was Theranos, and the many good people who had the backbone to stand up to the delusional bullies who ran it. It is in the end a heartening read, because the good guys win, but the list of those who were hornswaggled is astonishing: George Schultz, Henry Kissinger, James Mattis, Bill Frist, David Boies, Rupert Murdoch... Elizabeth Holmes shared the stage with Bill and Hillary, with Jack Ma, I'm sure with Obama too at some point in time. But she was full of shit from day one. She never had anything but drive and a willful disregard for truth. And we all lapped it up because she told such a good story.

Never again?

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