Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Guess who's not coming for dinner

Last night we watched the Golden Globes, as you saw above, and many lovely globes that were not in fact golden. The statues were received by a bunch of worthy performers, many of more recent (i.e. millenia post-Olduvai) African descent, including Eddy Murphy and Forrest Whittaker. Also classic Hollywood liberal types like Warren Beatty, Meryl Street, etc. And how many of them mentioned Martin Luther King Jr, on our man's holiday? Not a one, that I heard (OK. We missed the first half hour). For shame.

MLKJ day is the most undercelebrated holiday. Yes, it comes inconveniently close to the New Year. The markets close. But my company stayed open, though one of the principal's is a staunch liberal democrat, proud supporter of Howard Dean, and the other -- though once proclaiming his Republicanism -- would seem to have beaten a retreat in the face of our current reign of error. True, we could have taken our "floating" holiday (sounds vaguely like a well-formed turd) but I, for my own shame, did not.

Perhaps most shamefully, the History Channel last night showed a documentary on Jim Jones and the mass suicides in Guyana back in 1978, as if to intimate a connection between King's transformational and liberative message and a miasma into which it is supposed to have declined, as Stalin flows inexorably from Lenin and Trotsky.

It was a bad night for TV, if you weren't cleavage.


Anonymous said...

"I HAVE A DREAM THAT ONE DAY" all men will have unrestricted access to male enhancement cream.

Anonymous said...

After reading N & O's story today about the leading candidate for Hillsborough's Poet Laureate it occurred to me that the acorn really never falls far from the tree. And that's a good thing.