Monday, October 16, 2006

Immigrants and sandwich construction

Lets make no mistake, I'm immensely pro-immigration. When I see Mexican guys riding their bikes to work at 6:30 in the morning in the cold, I feel tremendous respect. My man Geo takes mighty fine care of our vehicles down at the corner Gulf. etc.

But there's one area in which generations of immigrants, from the Greeks of New York diners to the latinos of today's cafeterias make the same mistake, over and over again. They put the lettuce and tomato under your turkey burger on the roll, instead of between the cheese and the roll. They do the same thing if it's beef. And then the cheese sticks to the bun so you can't even move the LT up there so as to put your mustard or mayo below. Often you get the same nonsense on deli sandwiches. Lettuce and mayonnaise on the bottom, in particular, is a troublesome combo.

I know I know. I'm blaming the victim, and this is really a failure of management. But what. Are there no instructional websites or videotapes about this? Perhaps there should be late nite public-service announcements on Univision explaining these principles. Taxpayer funded.


Anonymous said...

Late night announcements might not order to be up so early, hopefully these immigrants are also asleep early. You have to think from the immigrant's point of view and figure out where and when to reach them. Maybe that's why you're not in marketing!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps offsetting the lettuce-tomoato snafu: our local (Chicago) mexican restaurant finally taught me that if I don't want lettuce and tomato on my tacos, and instead want onions and cilantro with limes on the side, I just have to make sure to ask for the tacos "mexican style." But it doesn't always work--and that too is helpful, because I know not to buy tacos where I can't get 'em mexican style.