Sunday, August 20, 2006


Although it's marred by some lamentable Indie-film cliches (the older station wagon covering major swaths of purple mountain majesty on 2-lane roads encountering various combinations of redneckery and authenticity), the emotional core of Transamerica is solid. You care about the characters and their relationship to one another, and they grow. That's so much more than can be said for most movies. Even the secondary characters have some pathos.

Felicity Huffman is great, all of John Steward's "muffman" jokes aside.

And it's funny too.

All told, it's the best synthesis of chick flick/buddy road movie since Thelma and Louise, or Priscilla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting, i was merely viscerally grossed out by the whole premise. Not sure why Hollywood insists on coloring a good story with some gender-bending, controversial sexual issues. Is it a desire to influence society's prejudices? It did not seem to work for Mel Gibson.